Princeton road work for the week of Aug. 28
The Witherspoon Street Improvements Project continues this week with storm sewer and sidewalk construction. Traffic will alternate in one lane through the construction area between Leigh Avenue and Green Street.
The Spring Street Garage repairs continue, with concrete demolition next. Up to 100 spaces will be unavailable for parking on the upper levels of the garage.
PSE&G’s contractor Waters & Bugbee will continue with the replacement of the gas main on Jefferson Road, Valley Road, and Cuyler Road. Replacement of services on Guyot Avenue will be completed and then the crew will move to Moore Street. Drivers need to be aware that some roads will be closed, and detours will be in place.
The Alice development will continue stormwater utility installation on Terhune Road. Terhune Road will be reduced to one lane of alternating traffic between Grover Avenue and Harrison Street, with complete closures periodically when trenches across the road are being dug. Please abide by the detour signs.
The sidewalk on Nassau Street at the corner of Chambers Street is still under construction and reopening is delayed due to design constraints.
Due to delays, Bank Street will be closed on Tuesday, Aug. 29, for resurfacing of the parking lot behind 12 Nassau Street. The rain date is Aug. 30.
Resurfacing of Ridgeview Road, Griggs/Billie Ellis Lane, Journey’s End, and Wittmer Court has been completed. Hutchinson, Farrand, and Stuart Road East will be paved soon.
Washington Road at the D&R canal remains closed to through traffic for bridge repair until some time in the fall.
Renda Roads will be resurfacing Loomis Court on Tuesday, Aug. 29. The road will be closed to all traffic for the day.
PSE&G Electric will be conducting overhead utility work on Edwards Place.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.