High school graduation, last day of school for Princeton Public Schools students is June 14
Families in Princeton can plan their vacations and camp schedules earlier than in past years because both the graduation date for Princeton High School and the last day of school have been set.
The Princeton Board of Education voted Tuesday night to revise the school calendar and schedule the last day of school and graduation for Princeton High School students for June 14.
In past years, these dates have been set in the spring to factor in snow days to meet the minimum number of class days.
“What we wanted to do is honor our students, and put students first and also their families by solidifying the last day and graduation date for the Princeton high school students,” Interim Superintendent of Schools Kathie Foster said.
Three snow days have been built in to the school district calendar. If the district has a fourth snow day, students will learn remotely.
Foster said the new calendar denotes three potential snow make-up days where students will return to school if there are any school day cancellations due to bad weather. The first potential make-up day, if required, is Feb.16, which is scheduled right now as an in-service day.
“We would have all students and staff come back to school on that day. It would be an early dismissal day. Then we would reschedule that staff and service day,” Foster said.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.