Princeton Township Police Blotter: $2,100 McCaffrey’s Purse Theft

Purse Theft at McCaffrey’s

A Lawrence woman said her purse was stolen while show was shopping at McCaffrey’s on Sept. 7., and that the items in her purse were worth $2,100. The woman said that while she was shopping in the store between 110:30 a.m. and noon, someone removed her purse from her shopping cart. Police are still looking for suspects and the investigation is ongoing.

Cell Phone Stolen from Car

A Clinton resident reported that his Verizon LG Droid was stolen from his car while it was parked at the Exxon Station on State Road. The phone was removed from the center console of the unlocked vehicle while the victim was inside the convenience store at the gas station. Several vehicles and people were in the immediate area during the time the theft occurred, but none could be positively identified by the victim as possibly being involved. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact the police on the confidential tip line, 609-688-2049.

Driving with a Suspended License

Police stopped a gray Nissan Altima that had a broken brake light on Sept. 13 and discovered the driver had a suspended driver’s license and active traffic warrants in Princeton Borough totaling $651. The driver, Ella Janvier of Clay Street in Princeton, was arrested and taken to the Princeton Borough Police Department.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.


  1. Don’t put your purse in the shopping cart
    Don’t leave your car unlocked
    Don’t drive without a license.

  2. How can you leave a purse unattended if it has $2100 in it? Makes me wonder if the $2100 figure might have been padded.

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