The Princeton Township Police Chief and Business Administrator will technically not retire until the end of the year, according to the severance agreements obtained by Planet Princeton through the state’s Open Public Records Act (OPRA).

Business Administrator Jim Pascale and Police Chief Robert Buchanan will formally take laves of absence on March 31 an remain on leave until their retirements kick in, “enabling the Township to facilitate and plan for the future operation and management”of the township and police department, according to the severance agreements. Both will be allowed to use all their accumulated time, will be paid at their 2012 salary levels and will receive all benefits for the rest of the year, including medical, dental and pension contributions.

The agreement with Buchanan was signed by Township Mayor Chad Goerner on Friday, March 16, six days before Buchanan confirmed to Planet Princeton that he was retiring.

Pascale’s agreement was signed by Goerner on Sunday, March 18. Pascale announced his retirement in a press release the same day Buchanan said he was retiring. Officials have said the timing is a coincidence.

According to retirement calculation data provided to Planet Princeton by the Township, Buchanan had 30 carry-over vacation days, 46 days of unused time for 2012, and earned 64 days of terminal leave (32 years times 2 days per year). The Township awarded him an additional 57 days pay to round out the year.

Pascale had 30 days of vacation time banked, 41 days of unused time, 58 days of terminal leave time (29 years of services times 2 days per year) and was given three months severance pay. He was also awarded an additional 2 days to round out the year.

According to public records, Pascale was paid $180, 508 in 2010 and Buchanan was paid $153,312.

One Comment

  1. I find this disgusting. Disgusting. The average working person trying to pay the high taxes in Princeton does not have this kind of cushion, and to ask citizens to pay for it seems very unfair.

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