Administrator, Deputy Administrator Named for the Consolidated Princeton

kathy Monzo Head Shot

Bob Bruschi will be given a one-year contract to serve as the administrator of the united Princeton and Kathy Monzo has been named deputy administrator.

The Princeton Borough and Princeton Township governing bodies approved the appointments at a joint session Monday night based on the unanimous recommendation of a personnel committee.

Monzo will oversee the finance department. A director of finance position that was proposed for the consolidated Princeton will be replaced with the deputy administrator position.

“The community is lucky to have two extraordinary administrators to allow for this dual leadership structure,” Township Committeewoman Liz Lempert said.

Bruschi, a native Princetonian, has served as the Borough’s administrator for 13 years. Previously he was the administrator in West Windsor. Monzo has been the chief financial officer for the Township for eight years and previously worked for the state Department of Community Affairs.

“Bob brings experience and Kathy brings long-term viability,” Lempert said.

Borough councilwoman Jo Butler praised the choices. “We were fortunate to find someone like Kathy, who has been tireless in her efforts to do everything she can for all who are involved in the consolidation process.”

Borough councilman Roger Martindell said as a matter of general policy and practice, he thinks it would be a mistake for the new municipality to assume Monzo will be the heir apparent to the administrator’s job.

“We should seek the best administrator we can find,” Martindell said. “That is best achieved only if there is an open process that considers a variety of candidates, including Monzo. Therefore while I endorse the selection, I do so with the hope that when the new municipality considerers  the selection of the next administrator, there will be an open process.”

Township Mayor Chad Goerner said that would be up to the new governing body to decide next year.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.