Quaker Road in Princeton Will Be Closed for Bridge Replacement Project Starting Aug. 20

under construction iconQuaker Road in Princeton could be closed for up to six months beginning Aug. 20 for a bridge replacement  project.

Mercer County officials plan to close Quaker Road  between Province Line Road and Mercer Road while workers replace the Quaker Road Bridge over the Stony Brook. The project will take between four and six months to complete, weather permitting, officials said.

There will be no thru traffic on Quaker Road because the bridge will be out.  Local access will only be available from Princeton Pike to the Friends School, the Updike Farmstead, and the private residences just north of the bridge.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.


  1. That road floods out half the time anyway, so I can’t see it making that big of an impact in itself. Combined with the jughandle closings, however, could cause a major problem! Will this bridge replacement help to alleviate the flooding situation whenever there’s a major rainfall? I hope?

    1. It’s an issue for me. I work in the office building at the end of Nassau Park boulevard and Quaker Road was the way I avoided traffic in the afternoon to get home to Skillman. Now I am stuck taking the long way around the traffic at Provinceline Road or sit in the parking lot on Quakerbridge to get onto the parking lot on Route 1 north.

  2. I hope that they’re going to install a filter for traffic coming from princeton, turning left onto province line. That turn is already dangerous, it’s only going to get worse now.

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