Princeton Voters to Decide on $10.9 Million in School Renovation Projects Today

Voters in Princeton will decide today whether to fund $10.9 million in proposed projects for the Princeton Public Schools.

The polls are open from noon until 9 p.m. Voting district numbers have changed because of consolidation. If you are unsure of your new polling district number, search the state database here. Polling places have been consolidated for the special school referendum today. See where your district is voting today by clicking the link.

If the referendum passes, the $10.9 million bond would be paid back over 10 years. According to district officials, the average Princeton homeowner would pay an additional $150 a year in taxes for the projects if the referendum is approved.

At Princeton High, the track, turf and bleachers would be replaced and practice fields would be refurbished. Locker rooms would also be upgraded, energy efficient lighting would be installed in the gym, and a wheelchair accessible ramp would be added to the school. Classroom renovations would create more instructional space. So far 375 incoming freshmen have registered for the fall. Superintendent of Schools Judith Wilson said that is well above the 340 officials thought was the peak three years ago.

The old gym at John Witherspoon Middle School would be turned into a media center. New auditorium seating, sound and lighting systems would be added to the school, and air-conditioning would be added to second floor classrooms.

Windows would be replaced at the middle school and high school, doors would be replaced in several schools, some roofs would be replaced,
drainage would be improved on some school properties, and some paved areas would be reconditioned.

Wilson said the school board facilities committee worked on developing the referendum question for two years. She said the timing is right for borrowing money right now because interest rates are only 2.5 percent.

The work would be completed in 18 months, with some projects beginning as early as November. It has been 11 years since the last school bond referendum was voted on in Princeton. Voters approved more than $80 million in school construction projects in May of 2001.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.