2013 Princeton Trash Schedule (Updated)
Central Jersey Waste was chosen as the trash hauler for the new Princeton after the job was put out to bid for a second time. Central Jersey Waste also collects recycling for Mercer County residents and pick up the food waste for the organic waste composting program in Princeton.
Former Princeton Borough residents will still have their trash picked up on the same day it was in the past. Former Princeton Township residents who used to pay private haulers to pick up their trash will now receive pick up paid for by municipal taxes. If you would like to receive “back-door” trash collection, you can continue with your private hauler, find a hauler, or contract with Central Jersey Waste for a fee.
Residents must provide their own lidded containers, and are allowed a maximum of four 32-gallon containers that weigh no more than 50 pounds each. Containers should be put out after 6 p.m. the night before trash collection is scheduled or before 6 a.m. the day of collection. After the trash has been picked up, empty containers must be removed from the curb by midnight. A maximum of two bulky items such as mattresses or chairs may be placed on the curb in addition to normal trash.
Recyclables, electronics and construction debris will not be picked up on trash day. Recycling will be picked up in Princeton on alternate Mondays this year: Jan. 14 and 28, Feb. 11 and 25, March 11 and 25, April 8 and 22, May 6 and 20, June 3 and 17, July 1 and 15 and 29, Aug. 12 and 26, Sept. 9 and 23, Oct. 7 and 21, Nov. 4 and 18, Dec. 2 and 16 and 30. Mercer County hosts electronic and chemical waste disposal days a few times a year. We post the schedule as the dates draw near.
The food waste composting program is a voluntary program residents can sign up for. If you participated in the program last year, the schedule is the same. To sign up call 609-688-2566.
Princeton officials are still figuring out what the schedule will be for Christmas tree pick ups. We will post updated information when we know more.
The trash pick up schedule for the new Princeton is as follows:
2013 Princeton, NJ Trash Pick Up Schedule
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.
Somebody at the township office said that 50-GALLON trash cans were acceptable. But the website and the letter they mailed says nothing about the size. Does anybody know what is really acceptable? I do not want to spend $$$ on a trash container that I cannot use…
We will confirm the size and get back to you Doug. Thanks.