Letters: Ban Duck Hunting in West Windsor and Plainsboro

On Tuesday afternoon, five schools in West Windsor Plainsboro district were placed on lockdown by police. Duck hunting was initially believed to be taking place, but was later disputed by police. The school district sent out alerts, resulting in a huge email chain among parents. During the 2 hours of lockdown, a state police helicopter searched the area; parents were not allowed to pick up kids. Tuesday happened to be the testing date for the American Math Contest. Some students were supposed to go to a nearby college but could not leave school.

In the emails and phone calls during the lockdown, parents all agreed that duck hunting cannot be allowed in the district. “No Duck Hunting” signs should be placed in the two townships. Violators should be heavily fined.

I sent the suggestion to West Windsor Mayor Shing Fu Hsueh and Plainsboro Mayor Peter Cantu. It was also forwarded to Rep. Rush Holt, State senators Linda Greenstein (D-14) and Shirley Turner (D-15), Assemblymen Wayne DeAngelo (D-14), Daniel Benson (D-14), Reed Gusciora (D-15), and Assemblywoman Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-15).

In a few days, these officials will be attending the Chinese New Year celebration hosted by our Chinese School at one of the schools on lockdown. I will show them where the duck hunting took place and discuss the suggestion of “No Duck Hunting” signs.

Meanwhile, I would like to thank Superintendent, teachers, school staff, and students who handled the situation successfully.

Yu “Taylor” Zhong
The writer is a candidate for WW-P Board of Education member, representing Plainsboro Township.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.


  1. If duck hunting wasn’t the cause, why would you ban it? More knee jerk decisions will surely make everything ok.

  2. This is ridiculous. Your going to ban duck hunting because Chinese School might get cancelled? Half of West Windsor is covered in green areas where wildlife live. These hunting areas have been used for hunting for longer than you or I have been alive. We should focus our attention on lowering taxes and improving our biggest asset, the train station. Stop worry about duck hunters who wondered up the river to far chasing dinner.

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