Letters: Thanks for Supporting the Library Book Sale
The Friends of the Princeton Public Library held their Annual Book Sale the weekend of October 17-19. Once again we had wonderful weather and a record-breaking sale, thanks to book lovers from near and far.
We are grateful to our dedicated volunteers whose work throughout the year as well as during the sale itself makes our success possible. Thanks also to those who donated books to the Friends; we are fortunate to have great offerings from this community of readers. The book sale wouldn’t be possible, of course, without the help of the Library’s wonderful staff and particularly Communications Director Tim Quinn, who prepared all our promotional materials, and the members of the facilities crew, who gave us their wholehearted support over many, many hours. Others provided valuable assistance as well: Witherspoon Grill donated a delicious meal to keep our clean-up crew energized, the Bank of Princeton provided stylish canvas bags for our customers, Johnson Park Elementary School Principal Bob Ginsburg and the Princeton Public Schools lent us tables for the sale, and McCaffrey’s Supermarkets provided paper bags for the Bag Sale.
All profits from the Annual Book Sale, and from our used book store, open daily and located just inside the library entrance, go to support the Library.
Sherri Garber and Eve Niedergang
Friends of the Library Book Sale Co-Chairs
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.