Former Princeton Youth Soccer Coach Sentenced to 3 Years in Prison for Child Porn


A former Princeton youth soccer coach was sentenced today to 36 months in prison for possessing images of child sexual abuse, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman announced.

Jorge A. Roman, 50, previously pleaded guilty before U.S. District Judge Joel A. Pisano to one count of possession of child pornography. Pisano imposed the sentence today in Trenton federal court.

On May 16, 2013, Roman possessed 600 or more images of child sexual abuse on various DVDs, computers or other digital media at his residence in Princeton. Some of the images in Roman’s possession were images of prepubescent minors engaged in sexually explicit conduct.

In addition to the prison term, Pisano sentenced Roman to serve five years of supervised release.

U.S. Attorney Fishman credited postal inspectors of the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, under the direction of Postal Inspector in Charge Maria L. Kelokates, with the investigation leading to today’s sentencing.

The government was represented by Assistant U.S. Attorney Nicholas P. Grippo of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Trenton.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.


  1. While there is an infrequent bad apple, the majority of those accused of possessing “child pornography” seem to be everyday contributing citizens: teachers, youth volunteers, doctors, policemen, lawyers; occasionally even religious or government leaders. Given these apparently stable and inoffensive people, should we not perhaps asks ourselves if what they are accused of is really all that evil and harmful?

    Does the general public have a realistic understanding of the nature and real effects of “child pornography,” or are their views colored by ignorance, superstition, hate, and hysteria? According to several studies, including Howitt, D (1995) Pornography and the paedophile: Is it criminogenic? British Journal of Medical Psychology, 68, 15-27, the viewing of this material is harmless and does not lead to behaviors which are currently considered to be criminal. Many – perhaps most – of those charged with possessing and viewing so-called “child pornography” have never been involved with a child. Also, the conjecture that all “pornography” is taken without consent is not borne out by empirical facts, and the delusion that children are hurt every time their image is viewed simply is not rational – the child most likely never knows about such viewings. For an in depth discussion of this subject in a scientific journal, see

    Also, for a free downloadable 94 page book on these issues which includes voluntary anonymous testimony from now grown former child “actors,” see

    1. Hitler liked dogs, that didn’t make him a nice guy.

      The damage to the children involved can be life long, revealing itself in the abuse of children as these victims become adults, or serious dysfunction in relationships.
      If you endorse the “harmless” viewing of child pornography by “pillars of the community,” you endorse the treatment of the children they are viewing.

      It is irrelevant that the child is not aware the image is being viewed. If the pain caused through the abuse causes the child to eventually commit suicide, are the images then clean to be viewed? As long as there is no present offense, there is no offense?

      The abuse of power in the creation of child pornography is the offense against the State. Each time those images are viewed, that offense is supported. So yes, viewing child pornography is damaging. It damages the victim, it damages society, and it burns away whatever remnants of a soul the traffickers posses.

      1. Blake Cash, thanks for opening a dialogue about this taboo topic.

        Everyone needs to understand child porn as the law understands it. They consider any child porn to be evidence of a crime. And if you look at a photo, they have decided that you are committing a crime by viewing the evidence of a crime being committed…

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        Child pornography is illegal because it is evidence of a crime and it harms ALL children. Some people refer to child pornography images as “crime scene photographs.”

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        1. Only one empirical study to date, follows the effects of a new law in the Czech Republic which allowed pornography to a society previously having forbidden it allowed researchers to monitor the changes in sex associated criminal activity that followed the change. As discovered in all other nations in which the occurrence has recently been studied, rape and other sex crimes did not increase. Of specific note is that this nation, like Denmark and Japan, had a prolonged period during which possession of child pornography was not illegal and, like those other nations, confirmed a significant decrease in the incidence of child sex abuse.


      2. What about children who are make the images themselves? How do they victimize themselves? One of the most fascinating and insidious aspects of CP is the public antipathy and fanfare concerning it. Even though CP story commenter’s have never seen the images in question they act as if they have; commenter’s then project their cognitive dissonance (sick minds) into what they write. People are led to believe the media stories are posited as fact even though the media has never seen the images either and this is a major problem, because it is impossible to have an informed public debate about what CP is and what CP law states when the public doesn’t know what CP is or what the government thinks CP law says. A person with children have a greater than 95% chance they themselves will be the perpetrator of child sexual abuse than the less than 1% chance a stranger cause harm. Over 95% of Child Sexual Abuse Images are infamilial not from STRANGERS. Janis Wolak, a lead child sexaul abuse author states, “The things that we hear and fear and the things that actually occur may not be the same”.

        1. I did not expect the apologists to be right here in my little town. That I suppose is the lesson we turn away from, evil exists among us.

          Bring yourself to spell out the words. Child Pornography. Not “CP.”

            1. Why should you spell out the words or why would I think I was safe from your form of mental illness?

              Perhaps you are unaware children are not miniature adults. They are to be nurtured, not exploited

    2. Veridcus, thank you for creating a discussion. Everyone is so afraid to even talk about this that nothing happens.

      While I don’t condone child pornography, it raises the question “What is child porn?” Who decides what is and what isn’t? Where do you draw the line?

      I’d like to share with you some educational information. Throughout history, great works of art have always included men, women and children who are nude. Cherubs are nude. (Cherubs are a type of angel that are usually shown in art as a nude, beautiful, young child with small wings).
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      Try to be more cosmopolitan, you know, having a worldwide, rather than limited or provincial scope or manner, as well as showing an interest in different cultures, ideas, etc. … Cheers, my friend!

      State Attorney General Jeffrey S. Chiesa says “Anyone who views and distributes child pornography, particularly child rape videos, puts himself in league with the predators who sexually assault children to create these videos. The children they watch being tortured are violated again by their actions, and these offenders may pose a danger to other children because of their predilections.”

      State Police Col. Richard Fuentes says “Everyone sitting in the seclusion of their darkened homes viewing child rape videos has victimized these innocents by creating the market for this disgusting material. There’s no room for them to say, ‘I haven’t hurt anyone.’”

      The United States Department of Justice states that: “Federal law prohibits…
      1. the production,
      2. distribution,
      3. importation,
      4. reception, or
      5. possession of any image of child pornography. A violation of federal child pornography laws is a serious crime.” Therefore, sharing (sending) child porn is distribution (dissemination or promotion), which is a crime.

      1. Thank you, Edward Straker, for your comments. It is not my intention to extensively debate these issues here, but rather to reach out to rational and intelligent “lurkers” and direct their attention to the articles which I link, and which themselves link to wider sources of information. According to the counter on some of those articles, this tactic is moderately effective, and will hopefully begin to lay the foundations for rethinking some of the misopedic and sexophobic hysteria that is so all-pervading today.

      2. While the United States has relied upon the Bourke and Hernandez study to support its claims concerning the dangers posed by possession only CP, it must be noted that one of the study authors has criticized the government’s characterization of his work, stating that “the argument that the majority of CP offenders are indeed contact sexual offenders and, therefore, dangerous predators simply is not supported by the scientific evidence.” Andres E. Hernandez, Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics of Child Pornography Offenders in Treatment 4 (Apr. 2009).


  2. Prior to the Internet, a large child pornography(CP) collection would have been indicative of an enthusiast of long-standing, somebody who devoted much time, effort and money to amassing their collection, but the Internet has allowed individuals to download huge amounts of material in a very short space of time like in hours for FREE. In other words, a collection of 5,000 images reflects the speed and quality of an individual’s Internet connection rather than the effort they expended to painstakingly build a collection over years possibly decades.

    The law was designed to save children from sexual abuse; However 99.9% of the arrests made are of low hanging fruit P2P file sharers . The police using software that detects known child pornography images that have been given a hash value or hash tag are harvested up by law enforcement software who record the originating IP address; However it does not uncover the user or an open wifi signal of the P2P file sharer who happens to download intentionally or not images of the harm done by someone else and does not pose a threat to any child nor does it rescue any children. If NO children are being saved or RESCUED what is the point? Arresting people for looking at pictures, having a thought, or just being curious is plain wrong. Thousands of people are in PRISON for NON VIOLENT crime who caused NO HARM, and have NO VICTIM but violated statutes that change consistently as though something new has been learned; something no one thought of in over two hundred years. Not one politician says anything they just pass more laws against their cognitive dissonance to put more people in PRISON egged on by radicals and an enclave of researchers in academia who profit from the thousands of reports they pump out every year all at the expense of the taxpayers using their contention and peoples angst about alleged harms to, “the children” to take away freedom.

    Johan Schlüter, head of the Danish Anti-Piracy Group remarked, “Child pornography is great,” he said enthusiastically. “Politicians do not understand file sharing, but they understand child pornography, and they want to filter that to score points with the public. Once we get them to filter child pornography, we can get them to extend the block to file sharing. We must filter the Internet to win over online file sharing. But politicians don’t understand that file sharing is bad, and this is a problem for us. Therefore, we must associate file sharing with child pornography. Because that’s something the politicians understand, and something they want to filter off the Internet. Child pornography is an issue they understand.” Schlüter grinned broadly. ” FOLLOW THE MONEY


    CP is the ultimate indictment where constitutional rights are eliminated and NO defense is allowed; it is being used for everything and every purpose and everyone SHUTS UP. Amy Adler, Associate Professor at the New York University School of Law states, “Everything becomes Child Pornography in the eyes of the law, clothed children, coy children, children in settings where children are found, perhaps children themselves become pornographic”.


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