Princeton Police Seek Man Who Took $900 from Bank of America ATM

BofA5The Princeton Police Department is asking for the public’s help in identifying a male suspect in a fraud that occurred the morning of April 25 at the Bank of America branch located at 370 Nassau Street in Princeton.

The suspect made a series of unauthorized ATM withdrawals totaling $900. He is described as white, Hispanic, or middle-eastern, 25 – 30 years of age, with a medium to stocky build, scruffy beard, dark hair and eyes, and gapped front teeth. He was wearing: a dark coat and a camouflage style baseball cap with a Harley Davidson-type insignia.

If you have any information about the suspect, please contact Det. Adam Basatemur at (609) 921-2100 ext. 2170, or

BofA3 BofA4

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.


  1. How does one defraud an ATM machine by making an unauthorized transaction? Assuming the unmasked marauder that allegedly took off with $900 of Bank of Americas hard earned cash used his own ATM card that may have had insufficient funds. Wouldn’t the highly intelligent ATM machine simply decline the transaction? If he used a stolen card, he apparently had the PIN number to complete the transaction. In essence, making the account holder the true victim, not the Bank of America. Am I missing something? Is there any other way to make an ATM machine dispense cash? Maybe I am just naive and am unable to think of any other criminal scenarios that would lead to the bank ATM just dispensing out money to a thief.

    Take a look at picture #3. The shit eating grin of satisfaction as the cash is dispensed into his hot little hands! What would make him smile so? Maybe it’s just a mirror image of many BOA Loan Officers that so freely dispensed funds in the form of Mortgage Loans during the Sub Prime Mortgage meltdown!

    This article is seriously lacking in pertinent detail of the alleged crime at hand and leads the mind to wander.

    1. BOA asks if youd like another transaction after some people have already walked away. The guy hit yes, it wasnt his account, and he took the money.

      1. That makes better sense. Thank you for the explanation.

        Wow! Isn’t that nice knowing that BOA safeguards its account holders money in that way! Not condoning the guys random act of dishonesty, but really??? Once the card is out of the machine the transaction should be over. Isn’t there a limit on cash dispensed in a 24 hour period?? Bank of America! Yet another reason to dislike Bank of America!

        1. I don’t know about BOA, but at my bank’s ATM the card is inserted, scanned, and immediately removed, and THEN you proceed with your transaction. Go figure, but maybe it helps people to be sure they take their card with them.

  2. I use BOA…if you ask for another transaction it then asks you to put in your pin again… so he got the pin some how!

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