Building Solar Suitcases: PDS Students Bring Power to Philippines School

Princeton Day School Middle School students showcasing their finished solar suitcase.
Princeton Day School Middle School students showcasing their finished solar suitcase.

Thanks to middle school students at Princeton Day School, students at a school in the Philippines have a new power source in their dorm.

Students at PDS created solar suitcases last year during the middle school’s mini-course week science class with  teachers Silvia Strauss-Debenedetti and Katy Terry.

Solar suitcases can be used to provide lighting and power for mobile communications and small electronic devices.

Teachers said the solar suitcase project allowed students to learn key engineering skills, while also encouraging a sense of global service.

Princeton Day School partnered with We Share Solar on the project. The school just received a short video that features one of the schools that installed a PDS solar suitcase. The solar suitcase now provides light to dorms at the Kiahe Integrated School.

“I am happy to share the good news that the project is actually bringing usable energy to students who need it to further their education,” said PDS Middle School Head Renee Price.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.


  1. The only thing better than a solar suitcase is a wind-powered lunchbox.

  2. Beautiful…. let there be light & learning everywhere in the world. PDS Middle School, You Rock!

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