Carter Road Bridge Replacement Slated to Begin on April 18

A contractor hired by Mercer County is scheduled to begin replacing the bridge on Carter Road over the Shipetaukin Creek in Lawrence Township on Monday, April 18.

The project is will take about 135 calendar days to complete, Mercer County officials said.

Carter Road will be closed to through traffic at the bridge for the duration of the project. Traffic will be detoured on to Province Line Road and Rosedale Road.

Officially known as Bridge No. 543.7 on Carter Road (CR 569), the structure is located between Route 206 and Van Kirk Road.

The county is performing this work ahead of the state’s bridge repair project on Route 206 over the Stony Brook. Trucks that are now taking a detour on Carter road because of the Stony Brook bridge problems will not be allowed to take a detour on local roads and will have to find alternate routes.

“We fast-tracked the Carter Road bridge work so that motorists would not be inconvenienced by simultaneous projects in the area,”
he said, adding that the County also reduced the duration of the Carter Road project from 150 days to 135.

The existing bridge carrying Carter Road over the Shipetaukin Creek is a single-span, reinforced arch bridge supported on spread footings. The bridge is in poor condition due to superstructure and substructure defects. The replacement bridge will be a single-span structure supported on full height abutments. The structure will support two 12-foot-wide travel lanes, two 7-foot-wide shoulders, and a sidewalk along the west side.

Marbro Inc. of Montclair was the successful bidder for the project, which will cost just over $2 million.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.