Princeton area eclipse photos (updated)

Send your eclipse and eclipse viewing party photos to Please list the location and name for photo credit.

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The crowd looks up on Palmer Square. Photo by Elisa Dossena.
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The view of the eclipse from Palmer Square. Photo by Elisa Dossena.
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The view of the eclipse from Palmer Square. Photo by Elisa Dossena.
The eclipse T 3 p.m. in Montgomery. Photo by Joe Cicco.
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The eclipse from Princeton. Photo by Max Chernyshov.
The eclipse from Princeton. Photo by Max Chernyshov.
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Photo from the GS1 US eclipse viewing party in Lawrenceville by Olivia Ritchie.
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The eclipse through the clouds. Photo: Jeffrey Berry.
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People started lining up at the Princeton Public Library at 10 a.m. Monday to try to score some eclipse glasses. Photo: Janie Hermann.
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A cheerful gathering at Palmer Square. Photo: Janie Hermann.
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Library staff, volunteers, police and others helped make the afternoon a success on Palmer Square. Photo: Janie Hermann.
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More than 3,000 people headed to Palmer Square to watch the eclipse on Monday. Photo: Janie Hermann.
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Katarina Foxx in Skillman using a homemade projector. Photo: Betsey Foxx.
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The view of the eclipse from Hopewell. Photo by Dariusz Kobajlo of JDKprophoto.
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The view from a balcony in Belle Mead. Photo by Shazah Sabuhi.
The view from Hopewell Boro Park. Agnes Marx.
The view of the eclipse from Hopewell Boro Park. Agnes Marx.
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“The old colander trick.” Photo by Faith Bahadurian.
2017 eclipse. Photo by Brett Borowski.
The eclipse view in Montgomery. Photo by Brett Borowski.
Eclipse 2017 at Palmer Square in Princeton. Welding masks were in style today along with those paper glasses. Photos by Nika Tagieva.
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The eclipse and the clouds. Submitted by reader DK.
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The eclipse and the clouds. Submitted by reader DK.
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The eclipse and the clouds. Submitted by reader DK.
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The eclipse in the clouds. Submitted by reader DK.
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The Chadha kids had more fun looking through various objects than the much advertised and sought after eclipse viewing glasses . PHhoto b Neetu Randhawa
Avatar of Krystal Knapp

Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.