Princeton couple will match up to $36,000 in donations to Griggs Farm Fire Relief Fund

An anonymous Princeton couple has come forward and offered to match, dollar for dollar, up to $36,000 in donations to the Princeton Community Housing Griggs Farm Fire Relief Fund over the next three weeks.

“On behalf of the displaced Griggs Farm residents, the trustees and staff of Princeton Community Housing are tremendously grateful for this truly wonderful gesture of support,” said Ed Truscelli, executive director, Princeton Community Housing.

The Fire Relief Fund will be used to pay for housing and other essential needs for the 34 residents who were displaced by the fire at the affordable housing complex at the Griggs Farm development last week. Some of the residents did not have renter’s insurance. The funds will allow Princeton Community Housing to extend the term of emergency housing for the displaced residents until each resident can secure longer term temporary housing and bring stability to their household.

Reconstruction of the damaged apartment complex will take at least several months.

“We are appealing to the generous and compassionate spirit of our community to rise up to this charitable challenge and help us multiply the help we can offer the people affected by the fire,” Truscelli said.

All donations are tax-deductible. Princeton Community Housing is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. You can mail or bring your check, made payable to Princeton Community Housing, to: Princeton Community Housing, One Monument Hall (Lower Level), Princeton, NJ 08540 or make a donation  online with a credit card. In both cases, indicate the purpose of your gift: “Griggs Farm Fire Relief Fund.”

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.