Letters: Information session for potential local Democratic candidates in Princeton this Sunday
To the Editor:
As chair of the Princeton Democratic Municipal Committee (PDMC) and as president of the Princeton Community Democratic Organization (PCDO), respectively, we are writing to encourage all Princeton Democrats to consider serving their community by getting more involved in the local Democratic Party or the local government. In 2018, this year’s election, there will be a primary election in June and a general election in November for two open seats on Princeton Council, as well as for the Congressional seat held by Bonnie Watson Coleman and the Senate seat held by Robert Menendez. In Mercer County, we will elect three freeholders; the Democratic incumbents are: Ann Cannon, Pasquale “Pat” Colavita, Jr. and Samuel T. “Sam” Frisby.
We invite you to join us at an open house meeting in Princeton on Sunday, February 11, from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. to find out more about running and participating. The meeting, which will be held at a private home, is open to all, but you must RSVP so we can send you the location. Please respond to Scotia MacRae at swmacrae@yahoo.com, 609-468-1720, or to jean@princetondems.org.
Topics to be covered include how candidates get on the ballot, the local Democratic Party endorsement process, and the differences between the PDMC and the PCDO. Local candidates should let us know by March 1 at the latest if they intend to seek the endorsement of the PCDO at the March 18 meeting.
The outcome of the 2016 presidential election has activated a Blue Wave in our state, resulting in the election of Democrat Phil Murphy to the office of governor and a majority of Democrats in the New Jersey Legislature. We want to thank the Princeton community, as well as the members of the PDMC and the PCDO, for their support of a transparent and vibrant political culture in Princeton that helps keep our government responsive to its residents.
Scotia MacRae, chair, Princeton Democratic Municipal Committee (PDMC)
Jean Durbin, president, Princeton Community Democratic Organization (PCDO)
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