Princeton University admissions office supports students’ rights to protest gun violence

The Princeton University admissions office has joined several other universities and colleges that have voiced support for undergraduate applicants’ rights to protest gun violence. Applicants who are disciplined because they participate in protests about gun control will not be penalized when it comes to admission. Princeton University’s admissions office issued a statement this week.

“In the wake of recent plans for peaceful protests by high school students related to the ongoing gun control debate, we have received a number of inquiries about how Princeton University’s admission office treats high school disciplinary sanctions that might be imposed in response to such activity,” reads the statement. “Students who act on their conscience in peaceful, principled protest will receive full consideration in our admissions process.”

If students are disciplined by their high school, they will be encouraged to supplement their application to Princeton with a statement that addresses why they were moved to protest and why they were disciplines.

“We require such an additional statement from any student applicant who has received a penalty from their high school because of a disciplinary infraction,” reads the statement. “We evaluate such statements in the light of all relevant circumstances, including the character of the student conduct involved and the school’s justification for disciplining it.”

Princeton joins Smith College, Boston University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and several other schools who have issued similar statements.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.

One Comment

  1. Good for our local University! One of many principled and leadership actions it has taken on social justice issues in the past 12 months.

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