Police: Man grabbed woman’s buttocks in parking lot in downtown Princeton
A woman was walking to work in downtown just before 10 a.m. on Saturday, May 19, when she was groped by a man in the rear parking lot behind the Santander Bank on Nassau Street. The man allegedly grabbed the woman’s buttocks with both hands and her pants partially came down.
The victim described the man as about 20 to 30 years old, 5 feet 3 inches tall, and Hispanic, with a thin build. He was wearing a plain gray hooded sweatshirt, faded black jeans and black
sneakers with white socks.
Police have canvassed the area and are asking anyone with information regarding the incident to contact Detective Holly Arana of the Princeton Police Department at 609-931-2100, ext.1834.
There have been similar incidents in the past in this area. Police said it is unclear whether or not they are related to Saturday’s incident, which remains under investigation. Police advise residents to report suspicious activity as soon as it occurs.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.
As a Hispanic woman, I am not surprised. Uneducated Hispanic men truly believe that gropping is a way of flirting. Unfortunately, they have not learned that such things are unacceptable wherever they live.
Grabbing both cheeks and partially pulling a woman’s pants down is flirting? I could see not knowing that a light pinch on the butt is unacceptable, but this is assault. He didn’t hang around and ask for her phone number, so he knows what he’s doing is wrong. These guys usually graduate to rape if they’re not caught.
I am not defending him. I am just saying that certain things that are abhorrent, are not that much of a big deal in small, poor villages in Central and South America. My sister and I learned at a very young age, to walk the streets avoiding construction sites, because we did not want to hear the most offensive statements addressed to girls, and I am talking 12, 13 years old here. We lived in Guayaquil, in a residential area or suburb called Urdesa, and our friends and we, we all knew. Horrific, yes. Inexcusable, yes. A potential rape, of course. It is a mix of machismo and ignorance from men’s part and submission from women’s part. While we were terrified, the housekeepers of the neighbourhood giggled and acted coy, shy, pleased, so yes, it is flirting for them, no matter if you like it or not. It was their way of flirting. I don’t like it , I never did, it scared the hell out of me, but it was that way and probably still is unless it has changed in the last 20 years that I have not lived there. The fact that is disgusting (to say the least) doesn’t mean that it is not a fact.
This is now the norm…Third World Cesspool
Why should people care and why should the police get involved? Princeton is a Sanctuary City. This is what you get when the local government’s formal strategy is to turn a nice safe town into a third world ghetto.