Michelle Pirone Lambros strikes the right balance
“Preserving our past…..shaping our future” is Michelle’s mantra and I believe she will deliver on both fronts.
Michelle has a family history with Princeton dating back 100 years and this gives her a unique perspective on what Princeton was, is and what it means to embrace the future. The fact that Michelle lived overseas for a number of years, has returned to Princeton and wants to contribute to the challenges our town is facing is refreshing to me. Also, Michelle has built and managed businesses over the years and I think she can bring a new real life and business perspective to Princeton council. Princeton needs new ideas and someone who is willing to work full time for our town. A candidate that is not occupying any other line of work is a gift to our town.
Finally, I endorse Michelle because she is willing to tackle our ever increasing property tax issue, the cumbersome business red tape and the ever changing landscape of our town and is willing to meet with as many Princetonians as possible to discuss their issues.
Joe Cauchi
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