Vote for Niedergang in the Democratic party primary

On Tuesday, the 5th of June, registered Democrats will vote in the Primary Election to select the two Democrats who will stand for election to Princeton Council. The six candidates vying for these two seats on Council have participated in two debates that were moderated by the League of Women Voters (League), and two forums hosted by the Witherspoon Jackson Neighborhood Association. They have also had an opportunity to state their positions and respond to questions from the League, the members of the Princeton Community Democratic Organization (PCDO) and the Princeton Municipal Democratic Committee (PDMC).

This process has brought to the fore some clear differences between the candidates. I believe that Eve Niedergang has emerged as the best Democratic candidate to represent the people of Princeton on Princeton Council. Eve earned 77% of the vote at the PCDO Endorsement Meeting and therefore the endorsement of the Democratic Party Club. After meeting with all of the candidates, the PDMC selected Eve for a preferred position on the Primary Election ballot. Eve has shown a thorough understanding of the issues facing our community as can be seen in the May 1st League of Women Voters debate (go to Vote 411 and enter your address to see a video of the debate and Eve’s answers to questions from the League). She has shown an ability to listen, weigh the facts and articulate a position that will benefit the residents of Princeton. Drawing upon her more than 25 years as a resident of and dedicated volunteer for Princeton, coupled with her extensive business experience in educational testing and consulting, Eve has the background knowledge to enable her to bring wise and balanced perspectives to Council’s decision-making.

Issues such as Affordable Housing, middle income housing, traffic, development and redevelopment, maintaining a vital downtown, budgets, property tax, and planning for sustainability and mitigation of the effects of our changing climate will all command the attention of Council. Throughout her campaign, Eve has maintained a focus on the challenges that face our town. She has shown that she gathers and evaluates the facts and seeks a path to a solution. Eve has shown that she values input from all Princeton residents and is committed to building our community together. Eve has demonstrated that she will bring a decisive voice to Council’s deliberation on these and other challenging issues.

For these reasons I believe that Eve Niedergang is the best candidate to represent the Democratic Party in this Primary Election and the best candidate to represent all of the people of Princeton on Princeton Council.

I ask you to join me in voting for Eve Niedergang, in the Democratic Party Primary Election on the 5th of June.

Bernie Miller

Former Council President, Municipality of Princeton

Former Mayor, Princeton Township



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