Pirone Lambros will help keep businesses in downtown Princeton
Letter to the Editor:
I want to share a conversation I recently had with Michelle Pirone Lambros about the biggest problem in our downtown – the consistent exodus of retail stores and their replacement with empty store fronts decorated with “space available” signs. After listening to Michelle, it is clear she is a successful business person who knows how to solve problems. From our discussion I came away impressed with her ability to recognize a problem, develop a research process for analyzing the problem, conduct her research, and come up with creative solutions, and make it all look easy. Michelle has spent considerable time researching possible solutions, including listening to, and getting feedback from, local business owners, property owners and property managers. With Michelle Pirone Lambros joining the town council, we can expect her to be a major contributor to reversing the prevalence of “space available” signs in our downtown – either by well-thought out analytical solutions or her convincing personality.
Bill Hare
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