Williamson understands what smart growth means
To the Editor:
I am writing to express my strong support for Dwaine Williamson for the Princeton Municipality Council in the upcoming primary elections.
I’d like to highlight a qualification of Mr. Williamson’s that goes beyond the technical and local planning expertise that others have already identified in public letters, specifically his ability to build consensus and make progress onΒ managing change in our community.
Mr. Williamson has a keen ability to listen to, relate to, and affirm the goals that people have related to what they want our community to become. And critically, he has the insight to know that things like “Smart Growth” are not specific, pre-prescribed outcomes, but umbrella ideas intended to help people and businesses with diverse goals to achieve as much and as many of these goals as inclusively, and as environmentally and economically efficiently, as possible.
The first step in any exercise to help a community adapt to change and to meet goals is to successfully elicit statements of goals that can be met. My impression based on numerous conversations with him is that Mr. Williamson’s ability to solicit, hear, and balance diverse goals is exceptional.
I have great confidence that Mr. Williamson’s presence on the Princeton Council will help Princeton become the vibrant, inclusive, social, and sustainable community that so many of us desire it to be.
Nat Bottigheimer
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