New Bryn Mawr-Wellesley Book Sale drop-off site opens in Princeton
The Bryn Mawr-Wellesley Book Sale book collection site has been moved from “the barn” on Vandeventer Avenue to a new location on Witherspoon Street. The new address is 281 Witherspoon Street, Suite G-200, in the lower level of a new building on the site of the former Princeton Hospital.
Book sale volunteers will have better conditions to sort books, including rest rooms, air conditioning, and an elevator. There is a parking garage across the alley, where volunteers can park for the bargain rate of $1 per hour. A part of the building overhangs the driveway, which will allow donors to unload books in comfort, regardless of the weather.
The new site is open for donations from 10 a.m. to noon on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The site opened on Sept. 21. Stop by any Wednesday or Saturday morning if you have books to donate or if you’d like to check out the new space.
How to get there – If you’re coming from Nassau Street, follow Witherspoon Street past the 281 Witherspoon Street building, and then take a right onto Henry Avenue. Take an immediate right onto Albert Way, an alley directly behind the building. The door to the new drop-off site will be at the rear of the building to your right. If you’d like to park while you come in to volunteer, there’s a parking garage at 1 Albert Way, on the other side of the alley.
If you’re heading toward Nassau Street on Witherspoon Street, take a left onto Henry Avenue before you get to the 281 Witherspoon building, and then go right onto Albert Way.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.
The book collection site is in the back of the building.
Isn’t this the former medical arts building? That’s how most of us know it.