Three members of a Montgomery family test positive for coronavirus

The Montgomery Township Health Department learned Saturday night that three members of a family that was already under home quarantine have tested positive for COVID-19.

One of the family members is a student at Montgomery Lower Middle School. The student attended school prior to becoming symptomatic. Officials said the exposure risk to the general student population at the school is low. Officials said parents should monitor their children for a fever and cough until March 24, and contact a health care provider if symptoms develop, but the children are not under quarantine already.

The Montgomery Health Department is doing epidemiological interviews to determine any students or others who may be close contacts and have an elevated risk of exposure.  Health department representatives will contact the elevated-risk people directly to advise them about additional precautions they should take to prevent the spread of the virus.

Officials are asking residents to practice social distancing. Avoid crowds, stay home when you are sick, and maintain a six-foot distance between other people.

Montgomery Township Schools are providing remote education until March 30. Officials said this is not the time for sleepovers, birthday parties, and hanging in the mall.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.