NJ governor signs executive order restarting childcare, outdoor sports practices, and day camps
New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy announced at his daily press briefing on Friday that he is signing an executive order restarting childcare services, organized sports practices, youth day camps, and municipal recreation programs.
Childcare centers will be allowed to reopen their doors beginning Monday, June 15.
“Having these centers open throughout this emergency for the children of our essential workers has been a necessity,” Murphy said. “Now as we prepare to take the first steps of our restart and recovery, we must ensure a continuum of care for children.”
Murphy said the state will release health and safety standards that must be met for childcare centers later Friday.
Organized sports practices will be able to restart on June 22, but activities will be limited to the outdoors, and contact drills and contact activities will not be allowed.
“We want you to have an active summer with your friends playing the sport you love, but at the same time protecting your health,” Murphy said.
Youth day camps, summer recreation programs, and municipal summer recreation programs will be able to operate starting July 6.
“We want our children to be able to enjoy their summer with friends participating in the activities that create lifelong memories,” Murphy said. “Our camps are also the places that give older kids the chance to have their first jobs as counselors.”
Murphy said the New Jersey Department of Health will be releasing health and safety standards for sports teams, camps, and recreation departments in the coming days.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.
I live in the Hills in Bedminster where each community has a pool and lockers and showers. Has there been any mention of when this type of activity can resume. It’s not public, you must be an association member to enter the pool and locker room.
The governor has not talked about pools yet. We will post as soon as we hear more about that.