Bierman announces he will seek a seat on the Princeton Board of Education

Adam Bierman school board candidate
Adam Bierman

Adam Bierman, a lifelong Princeton resident who ran unsuccessfully for a seat on the Princeton Council in 2019 as an independent candidate, has announced that he is running for a seat on the local school board in the November election. School board elections are non-partisan.

Bierman is a teacher for the New Jersey Division of Children and Families working with at-risk students in Trenton, and his mother was a teacher in the then Princeton Regional Schools for more than 35 years. His father served on the school board in the late 1960s and early 1970s.

“I believe that my background and experience can help prioritize spending on that which is most important for our students and community. Our schools are incredibly important to our children, their families, and the overall community,” Bierman said, adding that he wants to keep Princeton affordable for all residents and supports the existing two-percent annual state cap on tax levy increases.

“New Jersey has the highest property taxes of any state in the country and the schools are responsible for 48 percent of the tax bill,” Bierman said. “While the schools have incredible financial resources available to them, I believe the school board must learn to live within its means and reprioritize in order to stop wasteful spending.”

Bierman cited the school board’s recent approval of $530,000 for a bathroom and a concession stand at Princeton High School and the purchase of almost $3 million in Apple MacBooks and other computers as wasteful district spending. “I believe the school district should reorganize its tactics and instead provide computers to economically disadvantaged families, rather than students who already have a computer,” he said.

“It is my opinion that in the past too many members of the board have blindly supported the superintendent and his administration without asking all the tough questions or exploring every option,” Bierman said. “As a board member and an independent thinker, I promise to scrutinize closely all spending requests and to leave no path undiscovered.”

Bierman also criticized the school board for adopting a 2019-20 budget last year that reduced staff by 3 percent while raising taxes by the maximum allowed under law. He said according to the New Jersey Department of Education, the Princeton Public Schools has the third-highest spending per student of the 97 school districts in its peer group in the state. He said the board should have found other areas to cut from the budget instead of eliminating classroom positions.

Bierman said the school district budget for 2020-21 that was adopted on May 5 included an increase in the local tax levy of about $1.37 million. “After the budget was adopted, board members learned later in the month about an estimated $1 million in cost savings for the school year due to remote learning,” Bierman said. “This is unacceptable. There was no reason to raise taxes with a $1 million in COVID-19 related savings due to the shutdown of schools and remote learning.”

Bierman said cost-saving projections should have been done before the budget was adopted so the board could weigh the option of giving residents tax relief because of the economic hardship created by the pandemic. “The governing body for the municipality did not increase taxes for the budget this year because of the pandemic,” he said. “The board of education could have eliminated the tax increase with the million dollars in savings, due to remote learning.”

He also said the district spends about 40 percent of the budget on non-classroom expenses like administration, support services, and transportation. “We need to drive more money into the classroom,” he said. “Reductions in staff should be in administration and support services, not teachers.”

He also said the district needs to use existing facilities more efficiently before spending money on more new facilities. “We need to take better care of the buildings we have,” he said. “I also favor cost-effective and affordable solutions for projected enrollment growth such as adding a classroom into existing schools.”

Bierman said he opposes purchasing Westminster Choir College for the school district. “The costs to acquire and renovate these properties are prohibitive and would place an enormous burden on our schools and community for decades to come,” he said. “The Princeton Public Schools owns two large parcels of land that total over 30 acres at Johnson Park. The administrative building at Valley Road is underutilized and dilapidated. The school board has the potential to develop Valley Road, without the need for taxpayer funds through a private-public partnership. The two large parcels of land at Johnson Park also provide many possibilities for future use without the need to acquire more land and old buildings at Westminster with new tax dollars.”

Bierman said when two previously issued bonds mature in the next few years, the school board should lower taxes instead of borrowing more money.

He also criticized the board’s sending and receiving agreement with Cranbury. The Princeton Public Schools district receives tuition payments for about 275 students from there to attend Princeton High School.

“Cranbury announced a reduction in their municipal tax rate by over 20 percent and their school tax rate by 10 percent for the 2019-2020 fiscal year,” Bierman said. “Princeton taxpayers should not be subsidizing Cranbury students. Cranbury needs to pay its fair share. They can make additional, voluntary contributions to the schools directly or through the Princeton Educational Foundation. I will not support an expansion of Princeton High School for out-of-district students like Cranbury if we need the space for our own students. A sending and receiving agreement only makes sense if the receiving district has underutilized or empty classrooms. If the demographers think that enrollment growth will occur in the high school, we need to take steps now, such as a feasibility study to end the Cranbury sending and receiving agreement.”

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.


  1. If I still lived in town I would run against Bierman in a heartbeat. I truly hope that the field increases tenfold after this article. It’s a mystery what he stands for. He left a roadmap to everything he’s against.

    1. Hmm, did you by chance move to Cranbury? I hope that with the end of manipulations by the former superintendent (e.g.: “Cranbury students are our neighbors” but Charter students are apparently not), the school board with more people like Mr, Bierman will finally get some accountability from the school system.

  2. It is pretty clear what Adam stands for.
    -Not increasing property taxes, which are already the highest in the nation, and school spending which is among the highest in the state.
    -not allowing the Princeton taxpayers to subsidize the wealthy low-tax lifestyles, and tax cuts for the residents of Cranbury, NJ as a result of freeloading by the Cranbury gov and homeowners on the backs of hard-working Princeton taxpayers.
    -Cut the 40 percent of School spending that is not on education.
    -Invest in students and teachers and education not in buildings that students and teachers do not use, cannot use…
    -Do not buy the Westminster buildings or and take on additional debt at this time, particularly to buy these buildings… buildings are not what is needed in education right now, clearly
    -he is also against the unconstitutional harassment and abuse of Daniel Dart by the last superintendent and the silencing of elected school board members by other School board members and the former superintendent..
    -He is also against hiding by the Superintendent (former) and certain school board members the financial figures of the schools and their spending from school board members and keeping elected school board members in the dark about the finances of the schools… This is public info and should not be being hidden from elected officials such as Dart…
    It is pretty clear what he is for and against. It is a good time now as is anytime to really look at the spending and make sure it aligns with the needs of students and teachers.

  3. I won’t vote for someone who sent his own child to private schools. If you’re not a parent of student(s) in public schools, then you lack the most basic qualification to help govern them.

  4. Actually it would be good to have a mix of folks on the school board.. some with kids in public schools, some with kids in private schools, some with no kids, some older, some male, some of all ethnicities and races… diversity peeps.. it is not just a yard sign… #notjustayardsignprinceton

  5. Leah It is not a sorority public school. It is taxpayer funded. He is a taxpayer.

  6. With the obscure logic of Leah A, I would say that parents of kids who attend PPS should not run due to conflict of interests. Give me a break, this is about issues such as the waste of $530,000 for construction of bathrooms and concession stand for sports that are unlikely to happen due to Covid19, or teachers layoffs when they are actually needed. The comment is disingenuous.

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