08540 residents have donated more to Biden than residents in any other N.J. zip code
In the 08540 zip code, Joe Biden has raised more than 10 times the amount that Donald Trump has raised. The zip code includes mailing addresses for most of Princeton plus portions of a few other municipalities in three counties.
According to data and maps published by the New York Times this week, residents in the 08540 zip code donated more to Biden than residents in any other zip code in the state. More than 2,890 residents living in the 08540 zip code donated a total of $2.04 million to the Biden campaign, according to the data. More than 340 residents in the 08540 zip code donated more than $201,481 to Trump. In the 08542 zip code covering Princeton, 235 residents donated a total of $132,901 to Biden, and just 10 residents donated a total of $961 to Trump.
Residents in the Short Hills zip code appear to have raised the second-highest amount for Biden at $872,305. Residents in that zip code raised $121, 680 for Trump. In Summit, residents donated a total of $623,293 to Biden and $93,913 to Trump.
The top zip code for Trump donors in New Jersey appears to be Lakewood. According to the New York Times map and data, Trump raised $896,661 from 674 donors in the Lakewood zip code, while Biden raised $27,891 from 318 donors.
Biden outraised Trump with the support of residents of some of the wealthiest and most educated zip codes in the United States, collecting more money than Trump on all but two days in the last two months, according to the New York Times analysis of $1.8 billion donated by 7.6 million people since April. Biden overtook Trump in fundraising the day Senator Kamala Harris joined the ticket. For zip codes where at least 65 percent of the residents have college degrees, Biden has outraised Trump $478 million to $104 million, according to the New York Times analysis.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.
Ironic how the tables have turned.
The Democrats have turned into the party of the elite, of wall street, of the rich. The GOP has turned into the party of the underclass.
I wonder how hard Bernie and progressives will continue fighting campaign finance reform now that the left owns the deeper pocket donors.
Thanks for the laugh, great satire. Trump and the GOP gave huge tax breaks to the millionaires and billionaires while causing huge deficits. The GOP has morphed into a far far right wing radicalized party that is dead set on dismantling government and regulations that protect consumers and the environment. The GOP is the party of Trumpism, Limbaugh, Hannity, QAnon and Alex Jones.
JB You’ve got to be kidding me!! Thank you Joe Jersey I could not have said it better myself!
And the answer is: Both are parties of elitists and billionaires using different rhetoric to swindle the rest of society.