Hamilton AMC 24 movie theater closes permanently

The AMC 24 movie theater on Sloan Avenue in Hamilton has closed down for good.
AMC updated its corporate website on Monday, replacing the Hamilton listing with a note informing people that the theater is closed and directing them to the AMC 10 at the MarketFair Mall in West Windsor. MarketFair currently is screening a limited number of films.
AMC operates 26 theaters in New Jersey and more than 1,000 theaters across the country. Movie theaters have taken a major economic hit due to the COVID-19 pandemic. AMC has considered filing for bankruptcy in recent months.
The non-profit Princeton Garden Theatre is still closed due to the pandemic, but movies can be rented via the Garden Theatre website. Montgomery Cinemas, an independently owned movie theater company, also remains closed. The owner of Montgomery Cinemas, BJK Entertainment, also owns Hillsborough Cinemas on Raider Road in Hillsborough. The Hillsborough Cinema location is open. The location has hand sanitizing stations outside each theater. Employees wear masks and gloves, and not all seats are used so that patrons are not close to others.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.
How sad. Many great memories.