Marchand family thanks the Princeton community

To the Editor:

Phyllis Marchand – our mother/wife –  thrived on interacting with the people of Princeton in her roles as an elected official, as a community volunteer, and as a friend. Watching her interactions for the past five decades has taught us that you can never say ‘thank you’ enough. The “thank yous”  we have said in person and in letters seem to have barely scratched the surface of our gratitude. Today we want to publicly reiterate our thanks to the many friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and strangers who have comforted us with notes, donations, and expressions of love, concern, and invaluable remembrances/anecdotes about her. We wish we could mention all of you by name, but you know who you are.  

We especially want to express our appreciation to the Princeton First Aid and Rescue Squad and the Princeton Police Department whose responsiveness, professionalism and sensitivity to Phyllis was exceptional.  We were also touched by the team of Phyllis’s close friends who organized with care and efficiency the warm tribute to Phyllis – a street corner salute and expression of thanks — as her funeral procession turned onto Wiggins Street in its approach to the Princeton Cemetery.

Our family is planning to celebrate Phyllis’s life at a future time. It will also be a celebration of the members of the Princeton community who inspired her from the very first day we became part of this exceptional town.

Our heartfelt thanks,

Sy, Michael, Deborah, and Sarah Marchand

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.