Princeton Middle School evacuated Monday morning after suspicious bag found in a restroom

Princeton Middle School was evacuated on Monday morning at about 8:30 a.m. after an unattended bag was discovered in a restroom at the school.

The students were sent to Princeton High School to wait as police conducted an investigation to make sure the school was safe.

“I want to thank our staff for their diligence and commitment to keeping our students safe.  I would like to thank our students for their assistance and their cooperation.  Finally, I want to thank our families for your patience and understanding,” Princeton Middle School Principal Jason Burr wrote in an email to parents. “We anticipate that we will be back in the building soon.”

Students were able to return to their classrooms at about 9:15 a.m..

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.

One Comment

  1. Would it be possible to improve the quality of the lunches in the public schools, specifically the middle school?
    Specifically can we have healthier, more interesting food for our children such a more vegetarian and vegan options and more food that exposes our children to different cultures – one of the best ways to expose a person to the fun of diversity is to help them be exposed to new and different healthy interesting food and flavors and given how much money our public schools are getting from the federal gov the issue in our schools really in Princeton at least it is not how much money the schools have it is how they allocate it. The lunches being served for free are often high calorie and lesser versions of things like burgers and meat hoagies that kids can get elsewhere. If our schools are nearly 20 percent Asian what about exposing kids to vegetarian Asian cuisine, spicy food, and educate about sourcing of say fish and vendor development, so much eduction and healthcare starts with food and with teaching children to eat well. Our children are also suffering from obesity, from lack of opportunity, from so much time in front of screens and food can be very healing
    A lot of parents in our district think that Latin American cuisine and Hispanic food is bad for people even though our schools are 7% Hispanic and what about say Black cuisine, black veganism (why not have local vendors like Arlees supply the food at lunch) etc say to represent the 5% of our schools pop that is black and the history of the town
    Here is a good article about food as healing and as culturally relevant

    It is not that our schools and our gov do not have enough money it is that when they have it they do not spend it and invest it in ways that have taxpayer support for example in the case of the free lunches in our PMS. We love that they are free, but we are really disappointed about how low-quality and uninteresting the food is. Can the schools and the gov do better? The environmental issues of say veganism and vegetarianism are also a great lesson, and we don’t see these lessons being taught despite the money that is in the schools and gov right now

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