Princeton Council slated to pay p.r. firm $50,250 to manage weekly newsletter for six months
Municipal officials updated the public meeting agenda for the Monday night council meeting on Monday morning to include the contract to pay a public relations firm to manage the town’s weekly newsletter.
Taft Communications, a Lawrence-based firm run by Princeton resident Ted Deutsch, will be paid $50,250 to produce the town’s weekly newsletter for six months, with the possibility of renewing the contract for another six months. A 5% fee increase would apply to any renewal months after Dec. 31 of 2023.
The public relations firm will redesign the newsletter template, draft stories, publish the newsletter each week, and provide officials with strategic advice.
Taft will be paid $14,000 for April and $7,250 per month from May 2023 until September of 2023.
In addition to producing the newsletter once a week, Taft will:
- Conduct biweekly strategy and planning meetings
- Make recommendations on messaging and communication tactics related to one priority
issue per month - Provide on-demand counsel regarding communication challenges
- “Liaise” with local and regional media as needed on behalf of governing body
- Conduct a newsletter survey.
On Sept. 28 of 2022, the council unanimously approved an initial contract with Taft Communications for $55,000 for guidance regarding the town’s newsletter and communications. Taft was paid $31,000 to assess the town’s communications channels and then $8,000 per month after that initial payment.
Previously the town was paying consultant Allison Mueller $36,000 a year to produce a twice-weekly newsletter.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.
I’d be interested in knowing if this required an RFP.
Last year there was an RFP for communications services and they were the lowest bidder for that contract at $55,000. Two other companies placed bids. This contract is a no-bid contract for professional services.
Why was Allison Mueller’s services not continued? On the face of it, she was putting out twice the number of newsletters for much less money? What am I missing? Ron