More lewdness: Man exposes himself on Dinky train
A man who was riding the Dinky train from Princeton Junction to Princeton exposed his genitals to passengers Wednesday night, Oct. 9, just as the train arrived at the Princeton station, police said.
The incident happened at about 11:30 p.m. The Princeton University Department of Public Safety received a report about the incident Thursday.
The man was described as wearing a black hoodie and was possibly wearing black athletic pants. He did not have facial hair. The Department of Public Safety did not provide any further details about the man’s description.
The victim reported the incident to the NJ Transit conductor, who was unable to locate the man. NJ Transit Police have also been notified of the incident.
This is the third lewdness incident in Princeton that has been reported over the past month.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.
Would you believe I’ve been a Mercer County resident since 1965, at the age of 3, and I’ve never ridden the dinky. I have never had a reason, maybe someday I will do it for the fun of it, hopefully I don’t see any lewdness. 😂
Black? White? Orange with pink polka dots? I realize this is Jersey & all you woken are afraid of your own shadow not giving an honest description doesn’t do anyone any good.
There are cameras at both stations and youre telling me that there isnt a picture of the creep?
Why do I suspect that the “Dinky” was an apt venue for this gentleman’s display?