Open letter from Princeton merchants regarding parking
A letter signed by several Princeton business owners
A letter signed by several Princeton business owners
Letters: Residents shouldn’t have to bear the burdens for commercial businesses when it comes to parking
Letters – Vote yes for the special school bond referendum Jan. 25
Opinion: Seek other solutions to business employee parking problems in Princeton
Opinion: “The task force’s recommendation bureaucratizes, monetizes, and arbitrarily limits these requests, while actually increasing the burden on police.”
The 2017 parking study did not recommend parking in residential neighborhoods.
To the editor: This January, Princeton voters will have a chance to weigh in on a…
Letters: More due dilligence needed when it comes to authorizing local cannibis businesses in Princeton
In letters, residents of the tree streets and other nearby streets discuss why the revised parking permit plan in Princeton is bad for their neighborhoods.
Letters: A bill is before the legislature. Voice your support for a law on safe gun storage.
Letters: Local government needs to be more transparent and avoid conflicts of interest and appearances of conflict. The permit parking task force is one example, argues the writer.
We have received an avalanche of letters about the parking permit proposal in recent weeks. Former councilwoman Jo Butler argues that developers have been given a pass and residents are being asked to bear the burden when it comes to parking.
Letters: The writer makes suggestions about what to do if someone is violation Princeton’s new gas leaf blower ban.
A letter to the editor raising environmental concerns over the Princeton permit parking plan
A letter to the editor regarding the parking permit plan.
To the Editor: After a two-year hiatus, the Friends of the Princeton Public Library held another…
A member of Save the Dinky makes the case for a battery-powered train to replace the Dinky instead of a bus replacing it.
People of all ages from teens to older adults are welcome for a variety of volunteer positions.