Lambertville Woman Missing Since Early Saturday

391256_543452112345486_2082520616_n408433_10151428049382392_1507067308_nLambertville resident Sarah Majoras was last seen at approximately 2 a.m. Saturday leaving John and Peter’s in New Hope, Pa.

Majoras, 39, is a beloved bartender at the club. She was out with friends Friday night and left on foot to walk back to North Union Street in Lambertville. She never made it home and has not been seen or heard from since.. Sarah was last seen in a green camouflage army jacket, white knit cap, and glasses.

Please contact the New Hope Police at (215) 862-3033 if you have any information.

Word of her disappearance has shaken the close-knit Lambertville and New Hope community. A meeting took place at John & Peter’s this morning to organize a door-to-door search in the area to find her. New Hope merchants have also been asked to review any street surveillance footage they might have and turn it over to police.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.


        1. no sir that isnt what i mean. dont mean to offend you. but alot of women get hurt in this world. and not by women…sorry.
          just alot of new people in lambertville since i lived there. crime there now, not before in the good old days.
          I lived there for 39 years.

  1. A woman should be able to walk where she wants. …its the deviant men that need to keep their hands off our women…… should be mandatory starting in grade school that our girls are taught self defense…just saying

  2. I do not live in New Hope but my younger sister does, and this has really shook her up! As it should anyone! I hope that she is found safe and unharmed!

  3. Where was the boyfriend at this hour? I did not read where he was..just curious,not accusing..she should never have been allowed to walk home alone at that hour. She should have known better,im sure she reads the news how bad this world is..hope you are found Sarah,nobody deserves this,thats why we all need to watch our backs and teach kids more ways to avoid being a heart goes out to all..everyone cares!!

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