Tipsters Help Identify Suspects in Princeton Day School Thefts

Female Suspect
Sheila Frank
Mark Trimble
Mark Trimble

Princeton Police have charged a Bordentown woman and a Hamilton man for the series of computer and cell phone thefts at Princeton Day School.

More than 20 tipsters, including Planet Princeton readers who identified the suspects within an hour after the photos were released, contacted police or passed along information after the Princeton Police Department released photos of the two suspects on March 22.

Sheila Frank, 21, and Mark Trimble, 22,  have been charged in the case. Trimble was charged with burglary and theft, and Frank was charged with complicity to commit burglary and theft. Frank was processed and released. Trimble was out of the state at the time he was charged and was made aware of the charges through his attorney. Bail for Trimble is set at $30,000 cash.

The thefts took place between February 23 and mid March. The school was entered after regular school hours. Two iMac laptop computers and an iPhone, all property owned by students, were removed. The total amount of the thefts is in excess of $2,600.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.


  1. Sheila Frank, why are you looking at the camera you little dirt bag. You enabled him and im sure took CHILDREN’S belongings just as he did so you should be charged the exact same. What a filthy no good lower then dirt trailer park trash tramp, who will be pulling tricks on the corner within the year. LOWLIFE SCUM!

  2. Another bencivengo in trouble? Did mommy pay the 30 G’s and hid him away in rehab.mommy Nancy keep selling that lia Sophia to support your thief better yet why don’t you replace all the things he stole? Why don’t you and uncle Neil arrange to have him bunk in the same cell with mayor benci another their must run in the family. Keep giving Hamilton a bad name. What a family!

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