Letters: Endorsements for Butler, Nemeth, Miller
To the Editor:
Beyond a doubt Councilwoman Jo Butler has proven she deserves your consideration and support for another term at the dais. She worked hard representing the former Borough, worked hard to promote consolidation, worked even harder to create a smooth transition to a united Princeton and continues to work hard for the benefit of Princeton residents.
Jo is smart, honest, trustworthy and not afraid to voice a differing opinion in the interest of fostering discussion and progress. She makes tough decisions and accepts responsibility for those actions. She analyzes problems and seeks avenues to effectuate the best solutions, earning her the respect of many community leaders and activists.
Jo stands for transparency and integrity in government. She is a woman of selfless service using her talents, skills, and experiences ensuring a better Princeton for all.
Vote for Jo Butler for Council ~ it’s a vote for good government and a better Princeton.
Kate Warren
To the Editor,
Re: Upcoming Princeton Council Elections
We have three very passionate people running for two open positions. So the question is how to select two out of the three.
One of the hopes and expectations we all had on January 1, 2013 was that consolidation would represent a new beginning for a “new” municipality, an opportunity to, if not eliminate, at least lessen the “family” disagreements that existed when there were two towns. Expectation was high. Progress and improvement was expected.
Over the course of the year, while some issues such as the budget were met head on and resolved, other issues such as the selection of a municipal attorney and the passing of an ordinance establishing the day-to-day reporting structure of the Police Department took an inordinate amount of time and energy on the part of Council before they were resolved because of divisiveness and posturing by some members of Council. A number of important issues remain unresolved, including the naming of a Police Chief and a process to replace our Administrator who is set to retire at the end of the year. What should be understood is that divisiveness and dysfunction costs time, money and staff morale.
There doesn’t seem to be disagreement regarding this conclusion. So that’s where a choice comes to bear. Each of us, each voting member of our community needs to determine which two people, if elected, would likely have a positive effect on the governance of our community.
In past administrations, Sue Nemeth has had the opportunity to work with Bernie Miller and the then associated Council Members. In those times, difficult issues were met with a determined Council to resolve their issues with demonstrable success. While debate frequently occurred, decisions were made expeditiously and time was left for subsequent issues. It is through the lens of the past that I look to the future and support the candidacy of Miller and Nemeth.
Ross Wishnick
Dear Editor:
I would like to add my voice to those supporting the candidacy of Jo Butler for Princeton Council.
She has worked consistently to make Princeton’s government more transparent and to open it up so that it responds fully to the concerns of all of the town’s residents. There is, quite rightly, a resistance to making the Council appear to be a group of insiders. We need Jo’s independent voice and her questioning attitude. She provides a contrast that is very much needed.
I am honored that she has asked me to be her campaign’s treasurer. I look forward to her endorsement by the PCDO and the Municipal Committee, her nomination in the Primary, and her election in November.
Peter Lindenfeld
To the Editor:
I have attended numerous meetings of the Township Committee and the Borough and consolidated councils. This has allowed me to observe the leadership style of each of the three current candidates for Council. I have also spoken with each of them individually on numerous occasions. As a member of the PCDO Executive Council I have worked with Sue Nemeth, formerly a neighbor. Working now on Jo Butler’s campaign, I have seen Jo close up and am thoroughly comfortable with her candidacy: I will vote for Jo.
Despite her opponents’ claims of accomplishment, Jo’s voting record is as good or better. She has current knowledge and deserves to keep her seat on Council.
· As for speed in accomplishment, Chief Dudeck’s appointment was made quickly and has gone bad. The Council should take its time in replacing him.
· Princeton Council was created with six members to represent the consolidated town. There will inevitably be tie votes, but the elected Mayor can break them. There is no need to fill the Council with followers.
· 911 is the iceberg tip of town-University communications. Separate roles regarding fire, safety and emergency assistance are unclear and still result in emergency calls transferred or dropped. Jo’s 911 call purposely directed attention to this problem. Let’s fix it.
· Finally, as a campaign worker for Jo and witness to her approach to planning and strategy, I have seen for myself how she handles difficult issues. Jo conscientiously and habitually avoids negative campaigning, refuses to work with innuendo, avoids generalities, and clarifies her approach to issues by working hard to provide background details needed to make informed decisions.
There is no question in my mind about the one Council candidate to vote for in this election. Let’s keep Jo Butler on Council.
Mary Clurman
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.
Mr. Wishnick, one person’s due diligence is another’s “divisiveness and posturing.” The police structure is but one example: the majority takes the path of least resistance, staunchly refusing to consider alternatives to what has always been done while the minority believes that the council should at least consider civilian control of the police.
Is there “divisiveness” in not wanting to simply stealth hire the town’s director of finance, which is what Lempert, Howard, Liverman, Miller and Nemeth want to do? They don’t want an open search process, and instead want to put former township cfo Kathy Monzo in the post, the same staff person who got her three daughters jobs with the town while other staff members were being cut because of consolidation.