Alert: Crisis Ministry Doesn’t Solicit Door to Door

A few Planet Princeton readers wrote to us that they were solicited for donations from Crisis Ministry representatives over the holidays. A Crisis Ministry representative said the non-profit does not solicit door to door and added that a report has been filed with the Princeton Police.

The police department has issued an alert about the issue after receiving several calls. Residents are urged to contact the Princeton Police Department immediately if solicited by anyone claiming to represent the Crisis Ministry at (609) 921-2100.

Soliciting without a permit is not allowed in the town of Princeton.

Those wishing to donate to the Crisis Ministry should contact the Crisis Ministry of Mercer County at 609-396-9355, or visit

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.

One Comment

  1. THANK You for reporting this. We live in the Witherspoon Jackson neighborhood. A solicitor with a reasonable looking contribution canister with what looked to be a crisis ministry logo knocked at our door over the holiday (I believe it was either Xmas or NY’s eve). We did not contribute stating that we contribute through our church, and the person politely moved on, but I was left wondering if it was legit.

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