Planet Princeton Weekend Picks, Dec. 8-10

0 Gowen Red Knots 10X15
The opening reception for the “Feather and Flight” art exhibition at the D&R Greenway is Friday evening. Red Knots by 0. Gowen.

Friday, December 8

Sauce for the Goose Holiday Market – The Arts Council of Princeton presents the 24th annual Sauce for the Goose Holiday Market at the pop-up studio next to Metropolis Spa and Salon at the Princeton Shopping Center. Items for sale include ceramics, glassware, ornaments, and other forms of fine art and crafts for holiday gift-giving. The sale kicks off at 4 p.m. Arts Council of Princeton Pop-Up Studio at the Princeton Shopping Center, 301 N. Harrison St, Princeton. More information and hours.

Reception for “Feather and Flight” Juried Art Exhibition – The D&R Greenway Land Trust’s Marie L. Matthews galleries take flight with a juried exhibition of more than eighty artworks celebrating birds and their habitats. 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. Free More information

Princeton University A Capella Holiday Jam and Toy Drive – The A Cappella Jam and Toy Drive on Palmer Square features student performance groups. The event is free and open to the public, and attendees are encouraged to bring a new, unwrapped toy to be donated to a local charity. 6:30 p.m., Palmer Square, Princeton . More information

Boheme Holiday Opera at the Grounds for Sculpture – Boheme Opera NJ presents a program inspired by the photographs in “Elyn Zimmerman: Sensitive Chaos.” This year’s performance selections will focus on the viewer’s reaction to the clouds, planets, and star charts depicted in this West Gallery exhibition, and will include arias by composers such as Verdi, and Puccini. 7 p.m., Grounds for Sculpture, 80 Sculptors Way, Hamilton. More information

The Best Christmas Pageant Ever – Acting Naturally presents “The Best Christmas Pageant Ever,” a hilarious Christmas classic.  The Herdman children are the most cleverly dreadful and frightful kids in history.  When the ​Herdman children show up at church on Sunday for the free snacks the Bradley’s are faced with casting them in the Christmas pageant. 7:30 p.m., Acting Naturally Theatre, 164 Flowers Mill Road, Langhorne, Pa. $14 – $16 More information

The Princeton University Orchestra presents ‘Beloved Classics’ – The Princeton University Orchestra presents “Beloved Classics” featuring Rossini’s William Tell Overture, Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet Overture-Fantasy, and Dvorak’s seventh symphony. 7:30 pm, Richardson Auditorium in Alexander Hall, Princeton University, Alexander Hall, Princeton University, Princeton. Tickets $15 More information

Princeton University Glee Club and Chamber Choir Perform with Roomful of Teeth in concert. – The Princeton University Glee Club and Chamber Choir join the Grammy-winning vocal ensemble Roomful of Teeth in concert. Roomful of Teeth have strong connections with Princeton University. Graduate composer Caroline Shaw is a founding member of the ensemble, and her Pulitzer Prize-winning Partita for 8 Voices will be featured on this program. 7:30 p.m., Taplin Auditorium, Fine Hall, Princeton University, 304 Washington Road, Princeton. Free More information

Jersey Harmony Chorus Presents ‘Songs for the Season’ – The Jersey Harmony Chorus, a women’s a cappella chorus singing four-part harmony, will present its annual show, “Songs for the Season.” The show will feature the full chorus singing holiday music and presenting their special award-winning competition package. 8 p.m., All Saints Episcopal Church of Princeton, 16 All Saints Rd, Princeton. More information

Saturday, December 9

HomeFront Holiday Open House – From 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., HomeFront, on Princeton Avenue in Lawrence is having an open house where the public is invited to come in and shop for one of a kind handmade holiday gifts and artwork. Artists will be on hand to discuss their work. HomeFront Lawrence Location, 1800 Princeton Ave #3, Lawrence. More information

Christmas in Hamilton Craft Show –   The Christmas in Hamilton Craft Show is sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary of the Colonial Vol. Fire Company. Free entry. Crafts, baked goods and more. 9 a.m. to 3 p..m., Colonial Volunteer Fire House, 801 Kuser Road, Hamilton. Free More information

Santa Comes to Kale’s Garden Center – It has been a long standing tradition at Kale’s Garden Center to host Santa Claus. Kristopher Kringle will be at Kale’s on Carter Road from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. More information

Strolling Holiday Entertainment and Santa on Palmer Square – Enjoy music on Palmer Square while you shop this holiday season. The Tigertones will perform from 1 to 3 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.  More information

Author Event: Signing of the ‘Very Christmas Book’ – Join the Winner of the Elite Gold Medal, New Jersey native Simone Mets,  in the signing of the ‘Very Christmas Book.” Get your child their own personalized copy. 1 to 4 p.m., Homestead Princeton, 43 Hulfish Street, Princeton. Free More information

Three Holiday Tenors with the NJ Festival Orchestra – Three Holiday Tenors with the NJ Festival Orchestra, conducted by David Wroe. A family festival of symphonic pops and wintertime favorites to make the season merrier.  Award-winning tenor Cody Austen and friends will perform a selection of renowned tenor fare that will captivate and celebrate seasonal music with the New Jersey Festival Orchestra. 2 p.m., Richard P. Marasco Center for the Performing Arts​, 1629 Perrineville Road​, Monroe. $30 More information

Wreath Making Workshop at the Lawrence Nature Center – Christina Winka is well known for creating beautiful holiday displays at the Lawrence Nature Center, and you can learn her secrets during the Holiday Decorating Workshop Participants will make a colonial Williamsburg style wreath decorated with fruit, holly, pine cones and other natural elements. The cost of $35 includes a wreath. 2 p.m., Lawrence Nature Center, 481 Drexel Ave, Lawrenceville. More information

Art show opening: Abstract expressionist painter Juli Snyder at Small World Coffee – Philadelphia artist Juli Snyder will display her original artworks at Small World Coffee’s Nassau Street location in  Princeton for the month of December. The opening for the exhibition will take place from 3 to 5 p.m.254 Nassau St, Princeton. Free More information

Sunday, December 10

Breakfast with Santa at the Nassau Inn – Breakfast with Santa is back by popular demand at the Nassau Inn. Two seatings available: 9 a.m. and  noon. $34.95/adult, $18.95/kid, plus tax & gratuity). Tickets include: A traditional breakfast buffet One on one time with Santa plus one digital photo with Santa.  Nassau Inn, 1 Palmer Square, Princeton. More information and link to order tickets

Carillon Concert at Princeton University – Enjoy some holiday Carillion music. Considered the largest musical instrument in the world, a carillon consists of a series of at least 23 tuned bells, played from a keyboard that allows expressiveness through variation in touch, and on which the player, or carillonneur, can play a broad range of music. 1 p.m., Princeton University Graduate College, Grover Cleveland Tower, 88 College Road West, Princeton. Free More information

Holiday Open House at Mountain Lakes House – As you enjoy the miles of wooded trails in the Billy Johnson Mountain Lakes Nature Preserve, Friends of Princeton Open Space invites you to stop by Mountain Lakes House to warm up with cider and treats. Stop in anytime between 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. 57 Mountain Avenue, Princeton. Free More information

Folktales—Your Passport to the World – Universal themes of courage, kindness, and cooperation can be found in folktales the world over. Hear stories from many lands that touch on these and other themes that have been told for ages to all ages. 3 p.m., Princeton Public Library, 65 Witherspoon, Princeton. More information

Princeton Pro Musica Presents “Joy to the World” – The Princeton Pro Musica Chorus and Orchestra will present “Joy to the World: A Christmas Suite” with special guests from the Trenton Children’s Chorus at 4 p.m., at the Patriots Theater at the Trenton War Memorial.  1 Memorial Drive, Trenton. $10 – $21 More information

Christmas Choir Concert at Stone Hill Church – The Stone Hill Arts Series, Sacred Edition presents: Christmas Choir Concert, A Service of Lessons & Carols. Stay for a light reception afterwards. All are welcome. 6:30 p.m., Stone Hill Church of Princeton, 1025 Bunn Drive, Princeton. Free More information

(This is NOT)* Mozart Symphony #40: An Immersive Experience of Extended Technique, presented by the Lewis Center for the Arts’ Princeton Atelier – Inspired by the structure and content of Mozart’s 40th Symphony, (This is NOT)* Mozart Symphony #40 – An Immersive Experience of Extended Technique, utilizes visual art, theatrical lighting, scenic and installation design, as well as movement and musical performance as a means of exploring this seminal work and the fundamental nature of composition and creativity. 7 p.m., Marie and Edward Matthews ’53 Acting Studio, 185 Nassau, Princeton. Free but space is limited; advance reservations encouraged More information

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.