Photo: JM Group holiday meal drive raises $17,335
The JM Group’s holiday meal drive raised $17,335 for the Mercer Street Friends Food Bank. Staff members at the Witherspoon Grill, Blue Point Grill, Princeton Farmers’ Market, and Nassau
Street Seafood and Produce thank the sponsors of the “Under the Harvest Moon” Cocktail party, customers, and friends for their donations. The Mercer Street Friends Food Bank provides food and programs to children, adults, and seniors. Pictured (l-r): JM Group Human Resources Manager Sherri Petonic, Blue Point Grill Assistant General Manager Kristina Daniels , Witherspoon Grill Assistant General Manager Laura Estey, JM Group President Jack Morrison, President, JM Group Vice President Jess Morrison, former Mercer Street Friends Food Bank Development Director Phyllis Stoolmacher.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.