Womanspace Communities of Light event is Dec. 3

On Monday night, Dec. 3, businesses, local organizations, student groups and residents will light candles to raise awareness about domestic violence and spread the message that peace begins at home.

The candles will be lit as part of the 17th annual Womanspace Communities of Light campaign.The candles are meant to be a sign of hope for the women, men, and children affected by domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking in the community.

“The lighting of luminaries throughout the county is a unique way to increase local awareness of the presence of domestic and sexual violence and human trafficking in our community,” said Denise Taylor, chairwoman of the 2018 Communities of Light campaign. “It’s also a way to highlight Womanspace’s mission of serving victims.”

Taylor, the owner of Diverse Styles Salon in Lawrence, said  she is passionate about the cause of helping domestic violence victims. Domestic violence occurs in all communities, regardless of socio-economic status. Taylor says she had had employees at her salon over the years who were victims of domestic violence. She is grateful that there is  a resource like Womanspace in the community that provides resources and a safety net for people who are affected by domestic violence.

Community of Light events will be held at the following locations. If a time is not noted, candles will be lit at dusk:

Allentown – The Allentown Business Community Association, Heavenly Havens Creamery, and Willamenas.

East Windsor – 5 p.m. at the East Windsor Municipal Building, followed by refreshments

Ewing Township – 5 p.m. at the Ewing Township Municipal Building

Hamilton – 4:15 p.m. at Assemblyman Dan Benson’s office, 3691 Nottingham Way

Hightstown – 4:30 p.m.  in front of the Hightstown Public Library

Hopewell Township: 4:30 p.m. at the municipal building

Lawrence Township: 4:30 p.m. at Weeden Park. The Lawrenceville School and Rider University will also light candles.

Pennington: 4:30 p.m. at town hall.

Princeton: 4:30 p.m. – Princeton University SHARE and eating clubs will light up Washington Road and Harrison Street. Palmer Square and the Princeton Academy of the Sacred Heart will also light candles.

Robbinsville: 4:30 p.m. at the municipal building

Trenton: 5 p.m. at Trenton City Hall. Trenton Social will also light candles.

West Windsor:  5 p.m. at the municipal building and police department

Businesses, schools, nonprofits and individuals can buy luminary kits for the event. All proceeds support Womanspace programs. Kits are $10 each and can be purchased at the following locations. Editor’s note: In some locations, kits have sold out or there are only a few left:

Amerikick, 2901 Brunswick Pike, Lawrenceville

Casa Aziz, 4 Hulfish St., Princeton

Chance on Main, 34 South Main Street, Pennington

DiverseStyle Salon, 3371 Brunswick Pike US Hwy 1, Lawrence

Domain Computer Services, Inc., 1 Corporate Drive, Cranbury

Doctor’s Express Urgent Care, 2222 Route 33, Suite H, Hamilton

ERA Central Realty Robbinsville, 20 Main St., Robbinsville

Everson’s Karate and Cardio Kickboxing, 2330 Hwy 33, Suite 102, Robbinsville

Flip Body Fit, 2103 Whitehorse Mercerville Road, Hamilton

Greater Eldridge Park Neighborhood Association (GENPA), 78 Meriline Avenue

Hamilton Horizons Federal Credit Union, 3535 Quakerbridge Road, Ste. 600, Hamilton

Hamilton Washery, 121 Graffam Ave, Hamilton Township

Heavenly Havens Creamery, 33 South Main St., Allentown

Investors Bank, 160 Lawrenceville Pennington Road, Lawrenceville

Karl Weidel Insurance, 23 South Warren St., Trenton

Lawrenceville Home Improvement, 2821 Brunswick Pike, Lawrenceville

McCaffrey’s Food Market- Princeton, 301 N Harrison St, Princeton

McCaffrey’s Food Market- West Windsor, 335 Princeton Hightstown Rd, West Windsor

Mrs. G TV and Appliance Store, 2720 US-1 BUS, Lawrence Township

Optique Boutique, 3371 US Hwy 1, Unit 154 Mercer Mall, Lawrence Township

Pennington Quality Market, 25 Route 31 South Suite X, Pennington

Princeton Center for Yoga and Health, 88 Orchard Road, Skillman

Terhune Orchards, 330 Cold Soil Road, Princeton

Tony’s Farm and Garden Center, 1369 Route 130, Windsor

Weidel Realtors, 190 Nassau Street, Princeton

Wilhelmina’s Gift Shop, 6 Church Street, Allentown

For more information about Womanspace or the Communities of Light campaign, visit the Womanspace website.

Posted by Womanspace, Inc. on Friday, November 16, 2018

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.