Dinky train out of service for more than 24 hours
The Dinky train that shuttles commuters between the downtown Princeton and the the main station in Princeton Junction has been out of service for more than 24 hours.
On Monday afternoon and evening, commuters had to take substitute buses instead. The situation continued all day on Tuesday. NJ Transit cited ongoing mechanical issues but more details were not provided. The situation and lack of communication frustrated commuters, who wonder how much longer they will have to take the replacement buses, which take longer to reach their destination due to traffic.
In less than a month, the Alexander Street bridge projects will begin. Commuters are dreading the closure of Alexander Street. People who take the Dinky train worry that the Dinky won’t be a reliable form of service during the six-month road closure, given recent service issues.
Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.
My family and I experienced the Dinky malfunction issue Monday afternoon, as we attempted to go to NYC. We were at the Dinky station awaiting the Dinky. It did not come. Others were milling about wondering what was happening. There was no sign. No announcement. In fact, the sign clearly stated the Dinky schedule. With others, we wandered down to where the bus leaves. There was a bus there, and the driver said a bus had just left and she wouldn’t go for another half hour. That meant we would miss our train to NYC. We took the bus, and caught the next train to NYC.
When we came back, around 10:30 pm, there was no Dinky but there was a sign that said Dinky was out of service and to take the bus. There was no bus. We called phone numbers at the bus stop and were told there would be no bus. What to do? No help. Not advice. Would we wait there through the night? The cabs had no info. We decided to take a cab back to Princeton. Did the bus every come?
Is there a way to complain?
It was raining. Two of us are over 80. We were late to our destination in NYC. ….expletive deleted…..