NJ confirmed COVID-19 cases climb to 11,124, another 32 residents die

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Gov. Murphy addresses reporters at the War Memorial in Trenton i Saturday.

Governor Phil Murphy said the New Jersey Department of Health received positive coronavirus test results for 2,289 residents Saturday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the state to 11,124. Another 32 residents have died as a result of complications from COVID-19, bringing the state’s death toll to 140.

State officials reported that they received positive test results for 32 Mercer County residents on Saturday, bringing the total number of confirmed cases in the county to 168.

New Jersey Health Commissioner Judy Persichilli said 20 men and 12 women died over the last 24 hours, and their ages ranged from 30 to 100. Twelve of the people had underlying health conditions. Some of the cases are still being reviewed. Seventy-one of the 375 long-terms care facilities in the state are reporting at least one coronavirus case, Persichilli said.

Murphy urged residents to abide by his stay at home order and only go out when necessary, citing an incident in Ewing where people blatantly violated his order to stay at home. He urged citizens to show social solidarity by practicing social distancing.

“No one is getting graded on a curve. This is a pass-fail test. This is life and death,” Murphy said of the need for people to stay at home and practice social distancing when they must go out

“Last night right here in Mercer County, the Ewing Township Police broke up a party with 47 people, including a DJ, crammed into a 550-square-foot apartment. The organizer was charged as they should have been, and deserved to be,” Murphy said. “This is not a game. It is critical that you stay at home unless you absolutely need to go out, or because we need you on the frontlines helping us in this crisis. For everyone else, stay home. If you do go out to a supermarket or a pharmacy, keep a safe six-foot distance away from anybody else, including family members and friends you may be with. When you are at the grocery store, for example, be mindful not just of your fellow shoppers, but the women and men working hard to put that toilet paper on the shelf for you or ringing you up at the registers.”

Murphy announced that New Jersey residents who have mortgages will have a 90-day grace period to make their payments with most lenders. Late payments will not affect credit scores. Major financial institutions have also agreed not to initiate foreclosures or eviction proceedings for 60 days.

“So put together, a 90-day grace period and a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions mean many New Jersey families can breath easier, keep their heads above water, and have a place they can continue to call home,” Murphy said.

He also urged financial institutions and credit card companies to do the right thing in all areas of their businesses, for example lowering credit interest rates to reflect the reality many families are experiencing, to waive late fees, and to exercise compassion when people call citing a financial hardship.

Murphy said landlords in the state can’t kick people out of their homes during the crisis. He urged residents to visit covid19.nj.gov for resources regarding rental assistance.

“To every landlord, I cannot stress this enough. Now is the time to show some compassion and work with your renters to ensure that they stay safe and in their homes,” Murphy said. “This is not the time to be raising rents. You cannot evict anyone at this time. If you try to, we are not going to take it lightly, and we will make an example out of you for violating the law.”

Personal protective equipment like masks, gloves and face shields can be donated to the state via covid19.nj.gov/ppedonations. Officials are working with healthcare networks to make sure equipment is being distributed properly and that hospitals have the protective equipment they need. Hospitals must submit reports to the state on a daily basis about bed capacity and protective equipment inventories so that state officials can be proactive in distributing protective equipment, Murphy said.

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Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.

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