Washington Road Bridge in Princeton and West Windsor to be closed for 10 days starting Jan. 2

Happy New Year. Another year, another bridge closure. The Washington Road Bridge over the D&R Canal will be closed again starting tomorrow, Jan. 2, until Saturday, Jan. 13 so workers can install permanent bridge bearings.

Beginning at 6 a.m. on Jan. 2, Washington Road will be closed between Nursery Road and Faculty Road. Local access will be available between Route 1 and Nursery Road.

Pedestrians and cyclists on Washington Road northbound will not be able to access the D&R Canal towpath. Instead, they can use crossings at Alexander Street and Harrison Street.

Access to the D&R Canal towpath will be maintained for pedestrians and cyclists on Washington Road southbound, crossing the Washington Road Bridge over Lake Carnegie. Barriers will be in place to direct pedestrians and cyclists to the towpath a safe distance away from the active construction zone.

The following detours will be in place for drivers:

Washington Road southbound detour:

  • Motorists wishing to travel southbound on Washington Road will be directed to turn left on Faculty Road
  • Turn right onto South Harrison Street/Lower Harrison Street
  • Turn right onto Route 1 southbound to Trenton
  • Stay right on Route 1 southbound to take the “All Turns” lane to CR 571/Hightstown/Princeton back to Washington Road


  • From Route 27/Nassau Street, turn right onto Harrison Street
  • Turn right onto Route 1 southbound
  • Stay right on Route 1 southbound to take the “All Turns” lane to CR 571/Hightstown/Princeton back to Washington Road

Washington Road northbound detour:

  • Motorists on Washington Road northbound before the Route 1 intersection wishing to cross the Washington Road Bridge over the D&R Canal will be directed to turn right onto Route 1 northbound
  • Stay right to take the Harrison Street exit
  • Turn left on Harrison Street
  • Cross Route 1 and continue on Harrison Street westbound to Princeton
  • Turn left onto Route 27/Nassau Street southbound back to Washington Road


  • Motorists on Washington Road northbound before the Route 1 intersection wishing to cross the Washington Road Bridge over the D&R Canal will be directed to turn left onto Route 1 southbound
  • Take the ramp to Alexander Road westbound to Princeton
  • Continue on Alexander Road and turn right onto University Place
  • Turn right onto Route 27/Nassau Street northbound back to Washington Road

Motorists traveling on Route 1 northbound or southbound wishing to travel into Princeton using Washington Road northbound will be directed to use Alexander Road/Alexander Street or South Harrison Street/Lower Harrison Street.

Avatar of Krystal Knapp

Krystal Knapp is the founding editor of Planet Princeton. Follow her on Twitter @krystalknapp. She can be reached via email at editor AT planetprinceton.com. Send all letters to the editor and press releases to that email address.


  1. Gee thanks guys for adding another 10 – 15 minutes to our commutes. Why couldn’t have this be done when it was closed before?

  2. I live on Washington Road and commute to Princeton Campus by bike…this bridge closure has made my life a living hell! UGH

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