Letters: Say no to artificial turf at Hilltop Park and in Princeton
The town should ban artificial turf from community parks going forward. Letter by Jeffrey Bergman
The town should ban artificial turf from community parks going forward. Letter by Jeffrey Bergman
This week is Sunshine Week, a national event that highlights the importance of government transparency.
Former Councilwoman Jenny Crumiller said she only skimmed the document and did not realize the loophole was added to weaken the affordable housing requirement.
Some state and federal policies need to be changed to help vulnerable residents.
A group of residents opposes a plan to install artificial turn at Hilltop Park in Prnceton.
The death toll surpasses the combined populations of Mercer and Hunterdon counties, and exceeds the total number of American combat deaths in World War I, World War II, and the Vietnam War combined.
We’re adopting guidelines aimed at a restrained use of mug shots in news stories in order to be fair to people and also to not reinforce racial stereotypes.
Design and sensitivity to the neighborhood were of no concern from the prespective of the residents.
With the help of Princeton residents the food pantry reached its fundraising goal.
“The preservation and protection of the natural environment must be an integral part of all plans…
As I sit today watching the snowfall onto Princeton Ridge, I am reminded how lucky we…
To the Editor: This year started with the historic inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice…
To the Editor: “The differentness of races, moreover is no evidence of superiority or of inferiority. This merely indicates…
We will be calling such letters what they really are – paid election endorsement letters.
Some Planet Princeton readers choose to receive every Planet Princeton post via email in real-time. As…
Dear Editor, At the end of an auspicious year for Princeton Future, the private, non-profit community…
Dear Editor: Happy new year. I am pleased to announce that membership dues for the Princeton…
If the school board has not already, please consider hiring a superintendent of schools candidate who…