Jon Bon Jovi, Rush Holt, Connie Mercer Myers of HomeFront among the six New Jersey residents awarded honorary degrees at Princeton University’s Commencement ceremony

Jon Bon Jovi, Rush Holt, Connie Mercer Myers of HomeFront among the six New Jersey residents awarded honorary degrees at Princeton University’s Commencement ceremony

University officials chose to honor citizens of the Garden State this year. Local resident Connie Mercer Myers was one of the six honorees.

In Princeton Junction, a Chinese dissident faces harassment as part of a disinformation campaign by a billionaire with close ties to Steve Bannon

In Princeton Junction, a Chinese dissident faces harassment as part of a disinformation campaign by a billionaire with close ties to Steve Bannon

Protesters have stood outside the home of Teng Biao for three days this week, claiming he is a spy for the government of China.